I’ve traveled to a lot of places. Maybe not as many as that one sweaty dollar with a single bloody fingerprint you find on the side of the road after the police raid your friendly neighborhood crack ring, but I have been to a few. On my recent adventure to the accordion loving nation of…
Cultures of the World
4 More Bits of Parenting Advice From Around the World (Part 2)
When I wrote my first article on parenting tips from around the world, I found that there is a vast sea of different styles and beliefs in the 16,000+ cultures on the planet. There is so much I simply couldn’t fit it all into one article. And there is too much weirdness, questionable origins, and…
4 Bits of Parenting Advice From Around the World
Being a parent is an interesting beast to tackle, because we all come from one of the 16,000+ people groups/cultures around the world, and every culture has a different idea of what parenting should look like. People tend to be defensive about their culture, but parents are downright ferocious about their techniques and most are…
The Life of a Medical Translator
I have been a medical translator for over ten years now. It isn’t my full time gig, but a few weeks out of the year I am called upon to use my Spanish for the medical community. They are always my favorite weeks because I get to see things most people never do without going…
4 Micronations You Need to Visit
Did you ever think, “I sure wish I could be the dictator of a nation I made up, and do whatever I want, and make whatever laws I want”? Like, do you hate Robinson Crusoe and think all the weak-willed fools who love it should be imprisoned and fined? It turns out, you can totally…
5 Challenges to Marrying a Foreigner
I am originally from the great nation of Texas, friend, ally, and protector of the United States. We like huge guns, hot sauce, and Coke (don’t you dare call it pop). We also like our hillbilly accents and saying “warsh” instead of “wash.” My wife of ten years is from the tiny nation of Panama….
Why French Kids Eat More Vegetables
My daughter was born in New York and had her first spoonful of rice cereal at about 4.5 months. My sons were born in France, and they started on homemade puréed zucchini and carrots at roughly the same age. Everyone I know in France starts their babies on vegetables and moves on to fruit purées with the cereals coming…